W tym momencie powinieneś mieć następujący kod:
function valyrianSteelSwordAttack(unit) {
return {
action: true,
'Attack a unit in the given direction (forward by default) with your Valyrian steel sword, dealing 5 HP of damage.',
perform(direction = 'forward') {
const receiver = unit.getSpaceAt(direction).getUnit();
if (receiver) {
unit.log(`attacks ${direction} and hits ${receiver}`);
unit.damage(receiver, 5);
} else {
unit.log(`attacks ${direction} and hits nothing`);
function iceCrystalSwordAttack(unit) {
return {
action: true,
'Attack a unit in the given direction (forward by default) with your ice blade, dealing 3 HP of damage.',
perform(direction = 'forward') {
const receiver = unit.getSpaceAt(direction).getUnit();
if (receiver) {
unit.log(`attacks ${direction} and hits ${receiver}`);
unit.damage(receiver, 3);
} else {
unit.log(`attacks ${direction} and hits nothing`);
function feel(unit) {
return {
'Return the adjacent space in the given direction (forward by default).',
perform(direction = 'forward') {
return unit.getSensedSpaceAt(direction);
function walk(unit) {
return {
action: true,
description: 'Move one space in the given direction (forward by default).',
perform(direction = 'forward') {
const space = unit.getSpaceAt(direction);
if (space.isEmpty()) {
unit.log(`walks ${direction}`);
} else {
unit.log(`walks ${direction} and bumps into ${space}`);
const WhiteWalker = {
name: 'White Walker',
character: 'w',
maxHealth: 12,
abilities: {
attack: iceCrystalSwordAttack,
feel: feel,
playTurn(whiteWalker) {
const enemyDirection = ['forward', 'right', 'backward', 'left'].find(
direction => {
const unit = whiteWalker.feel(direction).getUnit();
return unit && unit.isEnemy();
if (enemyDirection) {
const Level1 = {
"You've entered the ancient castle of Eastwatch to escape from a blizzard. But it's deadly cold inside too.",
"Call `warrior.walk()` to walk forward in the Player's `playTurn` method.",
timeBonus: 15,
aceScore: 10,
floor: {
size: {
width: 8,
height: 1,
stairs: {
x: 7,
y: 0,
warrior: {
character: '@',
maxHealth: 20,
position: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
facing: 'east',
abilities: {
walk: walk,
const Level2 = {
'The cold became more intense. In the distance, you see a pair of deep and blue eyes, a blue that burns like ice.',
"Use `warrior.feel().isEmpty()` to see if there's anything in front of you, and `warrior.attack()` to fight it. Remember, you can only do one action per turn.",
'Add an if/else condition using `warrior.feel().isEmpty()` to decide whether to attack or walk.',
timeBonus: 20,
aceScore: 26,
floor: {
size: {
width: 8,
height: 1,
stairs: {
x: 7,
y: 0,
warrior: {
character: '@',
maxHealth: 20,
position: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
facing: 'east',
abilities: {
attack: valyrianSteelSwordAttack,
feel: feel,
units: [
position: {
x: 4,
y: 0,
facing: 'west',
module.exports = {
name: 'Game of Thrones',
'There is only one war that matters: the Great War. And it is here.',
levels: [Level1, Level2],
Możemy tu zrobić dokładnie to samo co zrobiliśmy z definicją White Walker'a - wydobyć stałe cechy wojownika do obiektu, a następnie użyć syntaksu spread, aby dodać je do każdego poziomu:
const Warrior = {
character: '@',
maxHealth: 20,
const Level1 = {
"You've entered the ancient castle of Eastwatch to escape from a blizzard. But it's deadly cold inside too.",
"Call `warrior.walk()` to walk forward in the Player's `playTurn` method.",
timeBonus: 15,
aceScore: 10,
floor: {
size: {
width: 8,
height: 1,
stairs: {
x: 7,
y: 0,
warrior: {
abilities: {
walk: walk,
position: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
facing: 'east',
const Level2 = {
'The cold became more intense. In the distance, you see a pair of deep and blue eyes, a blue that burns like ice.',
"Use `warrior.feel().isEmpty()` to see if there's anything in front of you, and `warrior.attack()` to fight it. Remember, you can only do one action per turn.",
'Add an if/else condition using `warrior.feel().isEmpty()` to decide whether to attack or walk.',
timeBonus: 20,
aceScore: 26,
floor: {
size: {
width: 8,
height: 1,
stairs: {
x: 7,
y: 0,
warrior: {
abilities: {
attack: valyrianSteelSwordAttack,
feel: feel,
position: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
facing: 'east',
units: [
position: {
x: 4,
y: 0,
facing: 'west',
W odniesieniu do zdolności, widzimy, że obydwie umiejętności ofensywne są bardzo podobne do siebie. Naprawmy to:
function attackCreator({ power, weapon }) {
return unit => ({
action: true,
description: `Attack a unit in the given direction (forward by default) with your ${weapon}, dealing ${power} HP of damage.`,
perform(direction = 'forward') {
const receiver = unit.getSpaceAt(direction).getUnit();
if (receiver) {
unit.log(`attacks ${direction} and hits ${receiver}`);
unit.damage(receiver, power);
} else {
unit.log(`attacks ${direction} and hits nothing`);
const valyrianSteelSwordAttack = attackCreator({
power: 5,
weapon: 'Valyrian steel sword',
const iceCrystalSwordAttack = attackCreator({
power: 3,
weapon: 'ice blade',
Nazywamy to wzorem "tworzenia umiejętności", gdzie definiujemy funkcję (tworzącą umiejętności), która zwraca inną funkcję (umiejętność) dostosowaną przez parametry, które dostarczyliśmy jej twórcy.
Aby zakończyć refaktoryzację, pozbądźmy się wszystkich magicznych łańcuchów tekstowych reprezentujących kierunki. Istnieje oficjalny pakiet o nazwie @warriorjs/geography
, który udostępnia kilka stałych i metod powiązanych z wyznaczaniem kierunku. Użyjmy tego:
const {
} = require('@warriorjs/geography');
function attackCreator({ power, weapon }) {
return unit => ({
action: true,
description: `Attack a unit in the given direction (forward by default) with your ${weapon}, dealing ${power} HP of damage.`,
perform(direction = FORWARD) {
const receiver = unit.getSpaceAt(direction).getUnit();
if (receiver) {
unit.log(`attacks ${direction} and hits ${receiver}`);
unit.damage(receiver, power);
} else {
unit.log(`attacks ${direction} and hits nothing`);
const valyrianSteelSwordAttack = attackCreator({
power: 5,
weapon: 'Valyrian steel sword',
const iceCrystalSwordAttack = attackCreator({
power: 3,
weapon: 'ice blade',
function feel(unit) {
return {
'Return the adjacent space in the given direction (forward by default).',
perform(direction = FORWARD) {
return unit.getSensedSpaceAt(direction);
function walk(unit) {
return {
action: true,
description: 'Move one space in the given direction (forward by default).',
perform(direction = FORWARD) {
const space = unit.getSpaceAt(direction);
if (space.isEmpty()) {
unit.log(`walks ${direction}`);
} else {
unit.log(`walks ${direction} and bumps into ${space}`);
const Warrior = {
character: '@',
maxHealth: 20,
const WhiteWalker = {
name: 'White Walker',
character: 'w',
maxHealth: 12,
abilities: {
attack: iceCrystalSwordAttack,
feel: feel,
playTurn(whiteWalker) {
const enemyDirection = RELATIVE_DIRECTIONS.find(direction => {
const unit = whiteWalker.feel(direction).getUnit();
return unit && unit.isEnemy();
if (enemyDirection) {
const Level1 = {
"You've entered the ancient castle of Eastwatch to escape from a blizzard. But it's deadly cold inside too.",
"Call `warrior.walk()` to walk forward in the Player's `playTurn` method.",
timeBonus: 15,
aceScore: 10,
floor: {
size: {
width: 8,
height: 1,
stairs: {
x: 7,
y: 0,
warrior: {
abilities: {
walk: walk,
position: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
facing: EAST,
const Level2 = {
'The cold became more intense. In the distance, you see a pair of deep and blue eyes, a blue that burns like ice.',
"Use `warrior.feel().isEmpty()` to see if there's anything in front of you, and `warrior.attack()` to fight it. Remember, you can only do one action per turn.",
'Add an if/else condition using `warrior.feel().isEmpty()` to decide whether to attack or walk.',
timeBonus: 20,
aceScore: 26,
floor: {
size: {
width: 8,
height: 1,
stairs: {
x: 7,
y: 0,
warrior: {
abilities: {
attack: valyrianSteelSwordAttack,
feel: feel,
position: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
facing: EAST,
units: [
position: {
x: 4,
y: 0,
facing: WEST,
module.exports = {
name: 'Game of Thrones',
'There is only one war that matters: the Great War. And it is here.',
levels: [Level1, Level2],
O wiele lepiej! Nie przestawaj czytać, aby dowiedzieć się jak przetestować i opublikować twoją wieże, tak by inni gracze mogli na niej grać!