- Nevyplň svou
metodu množstvím kódu, organizuj svůj kód metodami a classami. Například:
class Player {
playTurn(warrior) {
if (this.isInjured(warrior)) {
isInjured(warrior) {
return warrior.health() < 20;
- Pokd chceš spustit nějaký kód na začátku každého patra, definuj constructor v
classe, třeba takto:
class Player {
constructor() {
this.health = 20;
- Můžeš volat metody Space API ihned po sense. For example, the "feel" sense in the "Baby Steps" tower returns one space. You can call
on this to determine if the space is clear before walking there:
class Player {
playTurn(warrior) {
if (warrior.feel().isEmpty()) {
- Some senses (like "look" and "listen" in the "Baby Steps" tower) return an array of spaces instead, so you might find many of the Array prototype methods really useful. Here is an example of the Array.prototype.find method:
class Player {
isEnemyInSight(warrior) {
const spaceWithUnit = warrior.look().find(space => space.isUnit());
return spaceWithUnit && spaceWithUnit.getUnit().isEnemy();